Sunday, September 22, 2013

Review #10: Valenwood Series1-3 Combo

The White Sun (Futuristic Romance) The Dawn Star The Midnight Moon

Title: The Dawn Star(1), The Midnight Moon(2), The White Sun(3)
Author: Stobie Piel
Series: Valenwood Series #1-3
Released Date: 1996, 1998, 1999
Type: Romance, Futuristic, Adventure

Its an oldie, but definitely a goodie. 

I'm usually wary in reading these books with these types of covers(some are way too much assuming), but these series definitely surprised me with its depth of story and how it tackles the delicate situations in life. 

* * * * *

Goodreads review

Wow. Just wow. 

I started this series from reading the last, Lord of the Dark Sun, and it was a long, long , while before I found out that its part of a series. Anyway, I loved how all of the main characters of the series found their lovies, despite the circumstances and the spontaneousity of how they found each other. The humor which I rarely find in futuristic novels, were hilarious, well jaw-dropping mostly(as did Arnoth for most of the story) :D

I sense a theme here!... The "rival" of the guy bursting inside their room, sometimes while naked, and having a casual conversation like there was nothing wrong with the situation. And of course, the lingbats torturing "poor" Dane.

It was a fun, eye-opening, thrilling, DEEP, series. And one who offers perhaps a glimpse in the life of every person's demons. 

Rate of a supernova of 5/5

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