Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Review #7: The Eternity Cure

Title: The Eternity Cure
Author: Julie Kagawa
Series: The Immortal Rules #2
Released Date: April 23, 2013
Type: Romance, Young Adult, Dystopia, Vampires, Urban Fantasy

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Allison Sekemoto has vowed to rescue her creator, Kanin, who is being held hostage and tortured by the psychotic vampire Sarren. The call of blood leads her back to the beginning—New Covington and the Fringe, and a vampire prince who wants her dead yet may become her wary ally.

Even as Allie faces shocking revelations and heartbreak like she’s never known, a new strain of the Red Lung virus that decimated humanity is rising to threaten human and vampire alike.

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First, let me just say that this is the best vampire novel I've read yet, until the next book of this series that is. It's like reading instead of watching a movie. The scenes are do I say this...visually stimulating when read that its very easy to picture the place, the sights, sounds and if you were really there.

For starters, it was a another wonderful novel by one of my favorite authors; another masterpiece I would say. What surprised me in this was Jackal's co-role in Allie's quest. Yes, it was hinted back at The Immortal Rules that he'd be making another appearance in the next book, but I just didn't expect him to be the good guy here, obnoxious and irritating, yes, but still after seeing him in Old Chicago? Never saw that one coming. I thought then that Allie would meet with her blood brother, maybe do the slicing and dicing and you-killed-my-friends / you-destroyed-my-city and blah blah blah crap. But I really didn't expect them to team up, even for a little while. I guess that's Ms. Kagawa for you, putting twists here and there when you least expect it.

Anyway, here it seems that a few months has passed, with Allie travelling and meeting with her blood brother. And another familiar character comes back from paradise; though at first, his true purpose for being there was a mystery expect for my speculation that he came back for "the one that got away", but as the story progressed on, his true meaning for being there in the first place became clear, unraveling facts that could make or break their relationship. Would've liked to have a bit more cozy scenes for them without Jackal interrupting at the most crucial moment!!.. Argh!! =)

There was a really great flow to the story; where betrayal, hurt, determination, the will to live and not give up and a bit of convincing one very wary little vampire reigned. Oh, and a good development too with the new type of rabids in the city. Though, I had never thought that crazy, claw-you-eyes-out zombies were scary. It just shows that the author has a very very creative imagination. Obviously. 

The villain, evil mastermind in the story...He can go shit himself to hell for all I care!! Argh!!!.. That guy really gets on my nerves, especially with the way he speaks, laughs and acts even. And the fact that no one can successfully chop his head off. Well, I know that with the end of him, perhaps the story ends as well, but really... He's a scary freakin crazy bastard.

At the same time, I love and hate the most emotional scene here. When there was hope at the end, in sights, only a bit in you grasp, someone takes it away from you so tragically and suddenly, it leaves your head spinning. That's what happened. Allie's light, her "only good thing" in this god forsaken world, was taken away, betrayed by the one who she had thought a friend. Someone who's main purpose was revealed yet still vague to me when he died in the end. (Stupid prick if a bastard!! -_- ) 

When he was tortured by the bat-shit crazy vampire, I cried along with Allie, carried away I guess, by the how well the words flowed with intense emotion. It was so easy to see him, there bleeding and in agony, loyalty holding him, keeping him strong despite the pain being inflicted upon him. The bastard was sick enough to record it all, to leave it as a message for Allie. It just broke my heart, just broke, when she started to cry. 

Being an emotional female right now, I somehow felt the gut-wrenching pain, or maybe a fraction of it, rip through me. Maybe its me right now, being emotional this way, but this part affected me most of all. Curse you hormones!!! Lol @.@

All in all, another vampire/resident-evilly/post-apocalyptic masterpiece!! :) 

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Rate: 5/5

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